Offerings for Individuals 

Beyond boundaries: a spiritual quest for inner power and purpose

You’ve done all the “right” things; you’ve been successful in your career, you’ve bought houses, maybe you’ve had kids and relationships. You’ve gotten to travel and see the world. You ticked all the boxes. 

But then something happened. 

What was “right” just doesn’t seem right anymore.

You’re starting to wake up to the feeling that there has to be more. 

More hope, more joy and more inner peace. More meaning. 

And as a result, you feel stuck.

I felt stuck too.

I was aware that something was holding me back, although I wasn’t aware of what it was. I knew that something had to change, but I didn’t know how to make a change (or what to change). Despite my best efforts, no amount of professional success, workload, certifications, or accolades could fill the void, quell the anxiety, or calm my existential fears. I knew something was missing, but I was also too busy distracting myself to stop and focus on how to move forward.

There was something in me that wanted to experience a different way to be. What I discovered along the way was an expanded consciousness that altered the way I moved through the world. 

I now wake up in the morning with a feeling of gratitude and excitement for the day ahead. I sleep soundly and have energetic reserves I didn’t know were possible. It has helped me navigate loss and grief, feel a deeper sense of confidence and feel part of the interconnected web of life. It’s also illuminated how I may use my talents & gifts to be of service to others on a path to inner aliveness & awakening.

Navigating your path to true purpose and power

Our work together will examine what’s holding you back from living the full expression of yourself. You’ll look deeply at your relationship to the systems you feel stuck inside, employ practices to expand consciousness and access your individual healing path. By tapping into your personal power, you’ll find self-acceptance and how this can set you free.

Do any of these sound like you? You’re… 

…wanting to transition or change something in your life and sensing that working with a soul-driven, spiritual coach could help you find more meaning and purpose. 

… recognizing that the overachieving, overworking, overthinking that got you where you are is no longer working but don’t know how else to orient and motivate yourself. 

…struggling with feelings of anxiety or have experienced a wake-up call through burn-out, health concerns or loss. You’re wanting to find ways to design a life balancing the personal and professional beyond  ‘scarcity’/’never enough’ mindset.

…a coach or therapist seeking a mentor to deepen your spiritual and personal development as an individual and practitioner.

…someone who has journeyed in expanded states of consciousness (e.g. Ayahuasca retreats in Peru or Psilocybin retreats in Mexico) but is looking for support to make sense of what you’ve experienced. You want to bridge your insights into your day-to-day life, and integrate changes that might be necessary.

…highly sensitive and intuitive, wanting to explore and expand your gifts. This may include cultivating your intuition and sensing skills, understanding and managing boundaries, and using these gifts as empowering tools instead of feeling misunderstood, confused or drained. a relationship, whether romantic or professional, aiming for a deeper connection and seeking to overcome limiting patterns to unlock the full potential of the partnership.

“I was reflecting on the last year and the most precious gift was the healing I did with you. To be able to heal my wound and feel free from my trauma and feel like I can show up in my life whole and complete is the greatest gift of my life.”

- Bianca H.

 I will help you to… 

Live a Life by Design.

Be a conscious creator of your life, learning to leave the “have to’s” and the “should do’s” behind, no matter your age. This work will allow you to realize the fullest expression of who you are here to be and experience more energy and meaning. You’ll learn how to lower the volume on what society, parents, and even partners want for you in order to be guided by your own voice.

Connect to your Authentic Self.

Discover who you are beyond your reactions and triggers. Learn to trust and love yourself. Doing this allows us to access our genius, our creativity, and our reasons for being in this world. This connection will make way for a paradigm shift and reveal to you the answers you need to feel less anxiety and greater joy and ease.

Experience Expanded States of Consciousness.

Through a variety of methods including breathwork, meditation, and sacred medicine work, you’ll have experiences and access tools to live in a deeper state of awareness. Cultivating these skills is the bridge between living life on autopilot and moving to a deeper and more expansive place of being.

Understand Why You’re Here.

It can be easy to question the reason we’re here when we’re so focused on the mundane, daily tasks that “get in our way,” or be overcome with the nightly news. But we can learn to live life with more gratitude and grace. Our work together will help you live in paradox, connect with your and find answers to your most existential questions.

Find Courage to Deepen Your Healing Journey.

No matter where you are on the journey, I provide space to explore the deepest parts of what’s holding you back. From personal pain and suffering to intergenerational trauma, our work can help you come face-to-face with it, process it, and learn to embrace it in order to return to wholeness.

Transformational Coaching Packages

for Individuals, Couples, and Small Groups

Every experience is bespoke to suit your personal needs. 

Mind - Shamanic expanded states of consciousness 

Body - Healing and energy work + trauma-informed somatic based therapeutic techniques

Spirit - Access your own wisdom and remember who you truly are

Client Stories

  • K, a mother who faced immense loss after her son's tragic passing before birth, struggled with deep depression for two years.

    Despite trying various therapies, her pain persisted. Our healing work provided her with a safe space to confront her grief. Through an emotional journey, we cleared her energy, allowing her to connect with her son's spirit, seek and grant forgiveness, and finally find a sense of peace and hope.

  • G underwent a transformative journey through individual coaching sessions.

    Balancing challenges of maternity leave and caregiving, she’d lost professional confidence. Through our work together, she rediscovered her strengths, rebuilt confidence, and secured a role at quickly growing unicorn (start-up). Later, in pursuit of a new opportunity, focused coaching enhanced her confidence further, leading to a rewarding role leading a team of hundreds and doubling her compensation package.

  • C’s life was shaped by family tragedy, inheriting her parents' businesses after losing them at a young age.

    In her 40s, she felt a deep calling to break free from societal expectations and follow her true calling. Through six months of coaching, energy work, and introspection, she embarked on a new journey. She purchased land in Costa Rica, where she's now creating a healing retreat for clients worldwide

On a spiritual level, I help people remember who they really are and heal (and transform) from what has made them forget the power that lies within them.

On a more practical level, I also help people solve very real world problems in their personal and business lives. 

  • When I reached out to Jen my goals were to continue my personal and professional development, heal old traumas, and move towards better alignment with my higher self.

    As a clinical psychologist, executive coach, and being experienced with expansive states of consciousness I have a high bar for working with anyone in the field, that’s why I chose to work with Jen.

    To date, I’ve had two profoundly enlightening journeys with Jen and plan to continue working with her. Her ability to facilitate a powerful and healing experience, including creating and maintaining a safe and healing space for inner exploration stems not only from her training in this field, but also her professional background, combined with her energetic sensitivities and keen intuition. Although my journeys and insights were profound, I also know it was Jen’s focus on preparation, including intention setting, and integration that substantially contributed to such a positive outcome.

    As a result of my work with Jen I have reached new levels of self-understanding and self-acceptance and am much more aligned with my higher self. The medicine work I’ve done with Jen has not only further developed my own intuition, it has improved my ability to express who I am, both in my professional work and in my personal life. I look forward to continuing working with Jen.

    - ANDREW

  • I've been doing this work with Jennifer for about a year and a half and my life has profoundly changed during that time as a direct result.

    Our work focused mostly on shifting some unhealthy patterns that I had around my romantic relationships.

    While I had done a lot of therapy work prior that had helped me understand and identify the root cause of these patterns. I hadn't been able to meaningfully shift the patterns, and it was causing a lot of disruption in my life and causing a lot of hurt and frustration. The medicine work with Jennifer really allowed me to go much deeper into the root cause of these patterns and release what felt like some very dark and stuck energy. The process was difficult, but it was also profoundly healing.

    What I really appreciate about working with Jennifer is that she provides such a safe and non judgmental space and essential guidance, insight and support during the whole process. It's no exaggeration to say after our third session, I honestly felt like a different person. I felt a huge burden had been lifted. I felt healed and whole for the first time in my life, and my experience of life and relationships from that place has been profoundly different. It's been such a beautiful gift. And I'm just I will be eternally grateful to Jennifer for for the work that we did together in the way it benefits to my life as a result.

    - BIANCA H

  • Jen is a really amazing practitioner and has been such an inspiration to me in my work as an executive and leadership coach and a practitioner

    I met Jen about a year ago though a mutual friend and we understood very quickly we had so much in common - except that she was very far ahead on the path and had done all the all the trainings and learned so many things, I am so mesmerized and magnetized and inspired by her energy and her dedication to her practice. I knew that I wanted to work with her and co-create with her and just to spend as much time as possible with her!


    Executive and Leadership Coach